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A magazine about life itself.


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is natural history, reanimated.

Log on. Learn. Log off.

In the restless pursuit of technological advancement, homo sapiens are becoming disconnected from their natural surroundings. We aim to use technology against itself to remind people of the overwhelming beauty of life beyond the screen. We want our users to log-off our website.

Study like it's 1899.

Lifeforms is inspired by the Nature Study Movement of the late 19th Century. Proponents of this movement argued that learning happens through direct contact with nature, not by memorizing facts. Images from antique books, educational wall charts, and scientific reports from this bygone era will be brought to life through interactive animation. In showcasing the incredible work of biologists, educators, and illustrators of the past, we hope to inspire biologists, teachers, and artists of the present and future.

Find your sense of place.

Lifeforms investigates the ways in which all species on earth are inextricably linked. Through content written by experts in their fields, readers can explore scientific concepts on our website and in the real world via outdoor activities. Taking a page from the book, content will be organized into Chapters.
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Meet the team.

We are an international collective of artists and scientists inspired by nature.

Joshua Garlick

Design Director | Producer
Joshua is a multidisciplinary designer with a specialization in scientific communication. He holds a BFA in computer animation, a graduate certificate in technical communication, and has worked over 10 years in the eLearning industry. He brings his skills in motion, product, and information design to Lifeforms. Equal parts inspired by Victorian maximalism and Bauhaus minimalism, he believes the past holds the key to many of the problems currently facing life on earth.
Lives in:

Molly McDermott, PhD

Science Director
For her PhD research, Molly tracked individual barn swallows – familiar farm residents across much of North America - to measure how nutrition and stress affect plumage traits and breeding performance. Previously, she studied how climate-driven vegetation change in the Arctic may impact insect communities and the songbirds that depend on them for food. In addition to her biological interests, she is a musician interested in communicating scientific information via creative disciplines. .

Arman Harutyunyan

Animation Services
Arman leads up the animation company Armanimation based in Madrid, Spain. He has over a dozen years of experience in the animation industry and currently works with clients such as Nickelodeon & Sega. In addition to his talents as an animator, he is also an expert at rigging - building the skeleton and controls that allow a character to move. Arman and his team brought to life the animal animations you see on this page. He regularly shares his creations and offers tutorials via his YouTube channel @Armanimation.


Sound Artists | Composers
Kinbrae is the musical project of twin brothers Andy & Mike Truscott of Scotland. Kinbrae combines brass, electronics, percussion, and musique concrète to create a uniquely experimental yet accessible form of ambient, classical, and electronic music. Kinbrae have received significant airplay on BBC shows, being named as some of the most exciting composers working in the field of contemporary classical and electronic music today. They will use field recordings and scientific data to compose the soundtrack of Lifeforms.

Kristina Wheeat

Kristina is a skilled illustrator and avid birdwatcher who regularly goes to bird ringing stations. Studying birds up close helps to enrich her work and reflects her true connection to earth and it's creatures. She believes each stone, river, and tree is truly special. She strives to reflect the energy and story of natures bounty with every careful stroke of her pencil — creating illustrations of the peaceful beauty that surrounds us. Get a glimpse of her work by viewing the nature vs. technology image at the top of our page.


Digital Colorist
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Lives in:

Coming soon to Kickstarter

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